Happiness is a deep sense of flourishing, not a mere pleasurable feeling or feeling emotion but an optimal state of being.” – Matthieu Richard.

Close your eyes and visualise perfect joy for a second. It might be enjoying a lovely day in the sun while revelling in the knowledge that your grown children are coming to visit. Alternatively, it may be the complete opposite: After a hectic week, some peace and quiet around the house. Although it may seem brief or even unusual, there are ways to experience more joy every day.

Although they are closely connected and frequently occur concurrently, joy and happiness are distinct sensations that many people mistake for one another. Joyfulness is a stronger, more sustained state that produces feelings of inner peace and contentment while happiness is an emotion that comes in short bursts of extreme pleasure, excitement, and fulfilment.

According to Forrest Talley, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist in California, “Joy comes from setting up the right conditions for it to suddenly appear. Whereas happiness can be easily manufactured.” A decent cup of coffee in the morning or a hilarious film might make you happy. Contrarily, joy requires more effort to develop. It takes time because the procedure is ongoing.

Nevertheless, all the health advantages you gain along the road make it worthwhile. According to Susan Damico, M.A., director of the Devereux Centre for Resilient Children, “numerous studies suggest that happiness and joy predict lower heart rate and blood pressure, as well as stronger immune systems.” Furthermore, people who report experiencing more happy feelings experience fewer diseases, such as minor aches and pains. According to Talley, pursuing happiness also extends life. Journal of Happiness Studies research indicated that, in 53% of the situations, happier people tended to live longer.

Ways to Derive More Pleasure from Your Life

Here today are a few ways people can use to increase the amount of pleasure they experience in their day-to-day lives, helping them to feel happier and enjoy life more.

Enjoy the Joy of Doing Things

I said earlier that finishing tasks like housework may be very satisfying. I’m not promising that every job you complete will make you feel content, but strive to gain a better knowledge of what makes you feel accomplished or satisfied. Pay close attention to any particular emotions you have, such as whether cleaning up or doing the dishes makes you feel calmer, whether doing the physical effort of vacuuming makes you feel more energised, or whether the rhythmic aspect of folding laundry makes you feel more at ease.

In your professional life, take note of the aspects of your work that you find particularly rewarding and why. For example, you might enjoy working with a particular colleague or findthat completing a particularly challenging task is incredibly satisfying.

The more you can pay attention to the subtleties of how various tasks affect your mood, the more enjoyment you’ll be able to derive from them. For example, you can start to anticipate feeling energised by cleaning or relaxed by doing laundry. Choose three instances right away, at least one from your personal and one from your professional lives.

Be grateful

Being thankful and unhappy at the same time is incompatible. It’s that easy. Try it out to understand what I mean. It seems to sense that being appreciative might boost confidence, lessen unfavourable feelings like jealousy, and lower the risk of developing serious depression, according to numerous scientific research. Additionally, grateful people frequently exercise more, get better sleep, and have lower levels of stress hormones.

So begin your practise of appreciation if you want to learn how to love life. You may, for instance, establish a thankfulness diary or just start each day by listing three things for which you are glad, such as “Today, I am grateful for this nice cup of coffee in my hands, the book I’m reading that’s teaching me so much, and my adorable cat.”

Work on Mindfulness

Being mindful is the practise of being totally present and aware of where you are, who you are with, and what you are doing without allowing ideas, opinions, or feelings to divert you. Or, in the words of spiritual authority Eckhart Tolle, “Be totally there wherever you are.”

We may become peaceful, focused, and joyful when we learn to live in the now. Start your mindfulness practise by clearing your environment of anything distracting, such as social media, TV, and music. Then, silence your thoughts by refusing to pay attention to them and concentrating solely on your breathing.

You could also practise mindfulness by discovering how to take pleasure in life’s little pleasures, like:

  • Taking a nature walk and taking in the sights and sounds.
  • Exercising while sensing your body.
  • Enjoying the little pleasures, such as a cup of tea or a nice shower.

Prioritise Yourself

If you never put your needs first, it’s difficult to enjoy life every day. You need time to unwind, have fun, be productive, discover new things, and cultivate good relationships if you want to feel happy and at peace.

Therefore, think about saying no the next time someone asks you to do something you don’t want to. This is not to say that you should not be charitable or helpful to others. Simply put, it means that you must attend to your own needs first. Save your time and effort. Due to your merit.

Look After Yourself

If you’re worn out, stressed out, or burnt out, it’s quite difficult to learn how to appreciate life to the fullest. Everyone needs some downtime to recharge. But in the modern world, there is a lot going on. We have to work, study, do housework, handle our finances, look after our families, and more.

Thich Nht Hnh comments, “It’s crucial that we rediscover the art of resting and unwinding. In addition to helping us stay calm, concentrate, and come up with original solutions to issues, it also delays the start of many diseases that arise from ongoing stress and concern.” So, schedule some time to learn how to unwind and relish life. You may, for instance, go for a brief stroll, take a quick nap, read a good book, or even plan a peaceful weekend getaway.

Celebrate your wins

Social media these days can deceive us into thinking that life is all about moving quickly from one experience or accomplishment to another. But the times in between those accomplishments and experiences are what comprise most of our actual life.

Remember that milestones only occur once every mile, so don’t merely celebrate them. Instead, practise enjoying life by cheering each accomplishment. For instance, take pleasure in every hour spent studying and every satisfied client you assist rather than merely the exam scores and business income.

Invest in yourself

Putting money towards our own personal growth is an act of self-love. When we act in this way, we put our health first. We are also growing in self-awareness, which encourages happiness, self-acceptance, and compassion for others. Find strategies to get better while having fun in the process. You may, for instance, read a self-help book, exercise, journal, or take a free online course.

Reconnect with your nature

​​Spending time in nature has been shown to have a positive impact on mental and emotional health. Natural settings provide a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life, reducing stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. The tranquillity of nature can help clear your mind and improve your mood, leading to a more enjoyable daily experience.

Engaging with the outdoors often involves physical activity, whether it’s hiking, biking, or simply walking. Regular outdoor exercise promotes physical health by improving cardiovascular fitness, strengthening muscles, and boosting overall vitality. This physical well-being contributes to a sense of pleasure in daily life.

Reconnecting with nature also fosters a deeper sense of connection with the environment. It encourages awareness of ecological issues and the importance of preserving natural spaces. This heightened awareness can lead to a greater sense of purpose and fulfilment as you actively contribute to environmental stewardship.

Spend time with positive people

​​Positive individuals often radiate happiness and positivity. When you spend time with them, their optimism can rub off on you. Their laughter smiles, and positive outlook can create a more cheerful and enjoyable atmosphere in your daily life.

Positive people are typically more empathetic and understanding. They are often willing to lend a listening ear, offer comforting words, and provide emotional support when you’re facing challenges. Having such a support network can make daily life feel less daunting. Positivity is associated with resilience and effective problem-solving. When you interact with positive people, you may find that they approach challenges with a “can-do” attitude. Their ability to stay calm and focus on solutions can help reduce stress and anxiety in your own life.


Volunteering gives you a clear sense of purpose by allowing you to contribute to a cause or organisation that aligns with your values and passions. This sense of meaning can infuse your daily life with a profound sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Numerous studies have shown that volunteering is linked to increased happiness and improved overall well-being. When you engage in activities that benefit others, it triggers the release of feel-good chemicals in your brain, such as dopamine and endorphins, leading to a more joyful daily experience.

Volunteering often involves working alongside like-minded individuals who share your commitment to a particular cause. This sense of camaraderie and shared purpose can lead to fulfilling social interactions and the formation of deep and meaningful relationships, enriching your daily life with a sense of belonging. Volunteering also presents opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. You may acquire new skills, expand your knowledge, and develop leadership qualities. The process of continuous learning and self-improvement can be inherently pleasurable and fulfilling.

Be Present

Being present involves paying full attention to the present moment without judgment. This heightened awareness allows you to fully engage with your surroundings, your thoughts, and your emotions. When you’re truly present, you notice the beauty and wonder in everyday life that you might otherwise overlook.

Mindfulness encourages you to savour each moment. Whether it’s sipping a cup of coffee, feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin, or relishing the taste of a delicious meal, being present allows you to fully enjoy and appreciate these simple pleasures. Mindfulness is known for its stress-reducing benefits. By focusing on the present moment, you let go of worries about the past or future. This can lead to a profound sense of relaxation and tranquillity in your daily life.

When you’re fully present with others, it deepens your connections. Mindful listening and genuine engagement in conversations create more meaningful and pleasurable interactionswith family, friends, and colleagues. Practising mindfulness has been linked to various health benefits, including reduced anxiety, improved sleep, and better overall well-being. When you prioritise mindfulness, you’re likely to experience greater physical and mental vitality, contributing to a more enjoyable daily life.

Try New Things

Trying new activities or experiences requires your full attention. This heightened level of engagement can make you more present in the moment, which in turn enhances your ability to savour and enjoy the experience.

The anticipation of trying something new can be pleasurable in itself. The excitement and curiosity that come with embarking on a novel adventure can add a sense of fun and enthusiasm to your daily life. New experiences often lead to personal growth and the broadening of your horizons. Learning new skills, gaining fresh perspectives, and encountering different cultures can be intellectually stimulating and personally fulfilling.

Exposure to new ideas and experiences can stimulate creativity. Trying new things can inspire you to think differently, problem-solve more creatively, and explore innovative solutions in your daily life.

Final Word

In today’s fast-paced and often hectic world, finding pleasure and fulfilment in our daily lives is not only desirable but also essential for our overall well-being. We’ve explored various strategies that can help us achieve this goal, from reconnecting with nature to seeking out positive people, practising mindfulness, and trying out new things.


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