A slightly different tone and style to today’s blog entry….

I tell lots of my individual clients about this and have written a lot about a clip from a daytime TV show here in the UK that amazed me. I know you may well be asking what I was doing watching daytime TV… It was a lunch break at home a few years ago, and I switched on the telly – my excuse.

Ok, so we used to have a daytime show called Trisha – kind of like an English and tame version of Jerry Springer. Anyway, there was a chap on this show who was 54 years old and was telling everyone how sad he felt as a result of how terrible his parents were.

He left home at the age of 17 and by all accounts, his parents were very mean and unkind to him. This was his account, but they did sound awful… And the audience were giving him a lot of “aaaahh’s” whilst tilting their head to one side in a motherly fashion…

The guy was 54 years old though.

At what age does he need to let go of that stuff? Is he going to be sitting around on his death bed thinking “I had a terrible life thanks to my parents”?? At what age does he have to take responsibility for himself and for his own life?

Let me tell you something else…

A couple of years ago, just before Christmas, while I was on holiday, someone left an extremely violent natured, aggressive message on my office answer phone. It was very intimidating, angry and made some very nasty, frightening threats of harm to me personally.


A member of my immediate family picked up my messages in my absence (my office staff were asked not to call me while I was away) and was so frightened and worried by it that they had to phone me on my holiday. A holiday that I was taking to rest and recuperate. This member of my family was scared and upset and so were several other members of my family. It caused a lot of distress.

The long and short of the scenario is that this person had called after drinking too much and rung the wrong number! They had not listened to the message, and just left an intimidating message for another person without mentioning their name and so my family member just assumed it was aimed at me.

They did not know this, I could not listen to the message myself as I was in the Caribbean. Naturally, I could not believe that someone would want to cause me harm. I felt wronged and deeply upset.

So I had to call this person to resolve the issue. Now once I had spoken to this individual – bearing in mind I had to call them from my holiday resort – they realised that they had called the wrong number. They knew that they had made a huge error. The entire thing was diffused in a couple of seconds.

There was no apology.

No apology for my upset. No apology for my families upset. No admittance of a mistake made. No apology for ruining my sunbathing that morning! Not even any acknowledgement of any kind what so ever – despite being totally in the wrong.

At the time, I was in a state of disbelief and shock. I did not know what to think or feel, heck I like to think of myself as a moderately evolved human being, yet I was struggling to let go of the negativity this caused me.

And on to something else…

Ok, I may get a little close to the knuckle here for some folk. I can remember being sold on the power of forgiveness at my Church of England Primary school. Our morning school assembly where we sang prayers also had a lesson of the day, usually from the Bible. We got taught about the power of forgiveness. It was illustrated with Jesus being on the cross and saying “forgive them Father for they know not what they do.”

I can remember – bear in mind I was 8 years old – thinking that if I was the son of God and someone had just crucified me, I’d start laying some serious lightning bolts on everyone in the vicinity! I think that may have been due to my multiple readings of Lord of the Rings at the time and my ultimate hero being Gandalf the grey, the wonderful wizard.

During the tail end of that holiday, following that Christmas, in contrast to my usual evidence based approach to therapy… ย I found myself reading about the spiritual law of forgiveness By Randy Gage and applied it to this situation I had found myself in.

“If you are holding onto resentment, anger or revenge, you canโ€™t be open to receiving all your allotment of well-being and happiness.” Was one sentence I read.

Instinctively, I knew this to be true. I had known this. Yet the negative and destructive emotions I was encountering made it hard for me to do the right thing. I spent about 25 minutes in self-hypnosis, running through a process that really helped me at the time, similar to the ‘cutting the ties that bind’ technique I laid out in the previous blog entry. I let go of some stuff.

I realised that they had done what they believed to be the best they could, with what they knew of life and the world, and the consciousness they had. They believed they were doing right and as I said before, they were that way for a reason. it was a basic mistake, and despite the nature of the call not being a way I think anyone should resolve any issue, but the call was not even intended for me.

With the self-hypnosis process, I released the resentment and the anger and viewed the person in the best possible light that I could.

Whether you have a spiritual or a practical take on forgiveness, it is a very powerful thing and some people believe that if you cannot forgive, you are distracting your mind from the good stuff going on, others think that you cannot be open to accept abundance, change, happiness in certain aspects of your life. Some think that you block the entry of lots of new joy entering your life.

There are some that think you must release the negative feelings, as they only eat away at you from the inside, and prevent more of the good stuff coming your way. Here is a question for you: Who do you think most people have the most difficult time forgiving?

You are quite right, you clever thing – themselves.ย  Ourselves. Us. Me. I.

I donโ€™t know why so many people have so much difficulty forgiving themselves, but they do. There have been times in my life when I did too.

I came to understand that no matter how bad I thought I was, I had a way to forgive me and that my own self learned to forgive me. I knew that I must forgive myself and move on, or I would just go on to manifest a life of unhappiness, resentfulness and bitterness. of course, we do all we can to learn from life’s experiences and move onwards knowing better, but giving ourselves the cold shoulder for eternity only defeats our relationship with our self.

In my therapeutic consultancy this is very often one of the most liberating things people do. Once they forgive themselves, the world opens up to them.

As you reflect on the year you have had, as you enjoy your festive season, maybe consider letting go of what you no longer need, you don’t want to end up on a daytime TV show holding on to all your pent up anger blaming everyone else for how your life is, do you?

Ok, tomorrow is the time to read ’twas the night before Christmas’ and I’ll be back to wish you well then…