I read a thoroughly enjoyable article today about hypnotherapy and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)… You know what? Apparently, 1 in 5 people in the UK suffer from it… I have mentioned studies before that show the efficacy of hypnosis with IBS, however, I wanted to share this with you today…

Treatment For The Irritable Bowel Syndrome By Rian van Rijsbergen 


Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disorder of the intestines that is
not really a disorder because the intestines are perfectly healthy and capable
of functioning correctly. In spite of that when you are suffering from IBS it
means you probably are suffering severe complaints like: constipation, diarrhea,
pain, bloating, wind and cramps. Probably you do not feel very happy and you
avoid going out and or being with friends. Because when you go out there is that
constant need of wanting to know the nearest toilet. Maybe you feel embarrassed
and afraid of having wind. Although you may have the idea that you are the only
one in the world suffering from it you can be surprised to know that 10 to 25%
of all Europeans suffer from IBS. Most specialists prescribe antispasmodics,
antidepressants or medication to lower the heartburns but they do not make you
feel any better. Living with an irritable bowel is not just nothing; it really
affects the quality of your life and because of the recurring complaints
combined with feelings of sadness and loneliness you also can suffer from panic
attacks and tiredness. In fact you can end up socially isolated when you do not
do anything about it.

In the early 80’s Professor
P.J. Whorwell a gastro-enterologist working in the University Hospital in South
Manchester did research on IBS and he found out that in hypnosis the sensitivity
of the colon can be reduced when given lots of positive suggestions for the
colon. As if the colon is having some kind of brain or understanding. His
Gut-directed therapy showed significant results, which he published about in The
Lancet. The conclusion was that patients of 25 to 55 years obtained a positive
result of 80% when treated with the hypnotherapy program and even after 5 years
they were still doing very well.

In fact we do not know what is the cause of
the Irritable Bowel Syndrome. When a patient is being diagnosed with IBS
normally it means that there is a change in the frequency and consistency of
stool for at least 3 months or more. Internal examinations, like a diagnostic
endoscopy usually do not show any infections or whatsoever. I can assure that
these examinations are not only painful and embarrassing but moreover
frustrating for the patient while the colon looks perfectly healthy and still
there is that sensation of pain. Most specialists recommend their patients to
follow a diet while the colon seems to be oversensitive for spicy food and rest
and relaxation are being advised to decrease tension and emotional arousal.

Toiletable takes us for a a closer look on the digestive system: “If we look closely, then we will see that in the small intestines useful nutritive enzymes are taking out of the food or are being added to it to support the digestion. When this pulp is being worked from the small intestines into the colon salts and juices are extracted from it. You can imagine the colon like a’pumping’ tube molding the faeces into its form. When we are relaxed our heartpumps the blood regularly through our veins and our stomach is working slowly. When we are under stress our heart starts to pump faster, on such occasions our body seems to digest quicker. Everyone knows that when we are nervous we do want to visit the toilet more often. When we take a rest or when we sleep our body will regain balance again. When you are an IBS patient this self-regulating system is more or less continuously out of balance. Therefore IBS patients do feel the need to visit the toilet more often although they do not really have to defecate but they certainly feel the need.

The Gut-directed therapy, which I use, is
basically developed to restore this balance with hypnotherapy techniques. While
using positive and direct suggestions the bowel movement can be effectively
controlled. The goal of this program is to stimulate a natural recuperation so
that a smooth bowel movement is again a normal everyday habit. Usually I involve
different areas in my treatment: physically, I teach the patient how to relax
himself and to get control over his tummy; mentally: I direct the patient
positively in gaining more self-confidence and help him to become aware of
stressful events in his life; emotionally: I help the patient to create positive
future expectations and help him increase his self-empowerment and finally I
train the patient on his behavior: training him to be strong in certain
situations and to keep close to his personal needs and longings. As I have been
treating many IBS sufferers over the years I really can assure this program is
worthwhile to be followed either on its own or as an additional therapy to
support the treatment of other specialists.

Rian van Rijsbergen, hypno-psychotherapist & IBS therapist working at
Centro Europeo de Medicina Holística in Alfaz del Pi.

Source of this article — Round Town News