This weekend I ran my self-hypnosis seminar here on the south coast, overlooking the sea with the most glorious sunshine and what a weekend I had… Having given a lot of energy to it throughout the weekend, I like to take things easy the day after… I had to just blog about one thing in particular though…

Aren’t people amazing?

People continue to amaze me at new levels all the time… I love it. I am riding very high this morning, in awe of the things that some people can do when they apply their mind in such a way… I watched on as individuals from my weekend seminar did some phenomenal things — overcame fear, influenced their own mind for their own good, laughed, cried and invested time in themselves…

That is being alive. That is some way to live… It is such a truly remarkable and indescribable experience.

In addition to this brief blog entry today… I wanted to mention Mr Mark Ransom… I wrote about him earlier this year when he was training to swim the channel. He used hypntoehrapy to overcome a debilitating fear of sharks from a nightmare childhood experience. Having overcome that fear, 20 years later, he has swum the channel as described here in the Bury Free press.

Ok, I’ll be back in more detail for the rest of this week 🙂 

Off to carry on being soft and fluffy for a change…