Now that organised religion is slowly joining the modern age, they are making less men feel guilt about their natural urges to masturbate… Yet, it seems that in recent years, psychologists have taken up the mantle of preaching the harm that masturbating causes…

Now, I am not going to use any images to do with todays subject matter without courting far too much controversy, so here are some nice flowers…

You see, if you read blog entries and articles on mainstream psychology websites, you could easily be forgiven for thinking and believing that masturbation and pornography are going to cause the end of the world. Forget global warming (although some of these authors may well blame global warming on masturbation), it is masturbation that is going to cause the world to stop spinning, or implode or explode (was wary of writing about things exploding with this subject matter).

Put simply, according to masses of material on the subject that I have been reading at psychology blogs and throughout the psychology fraternity in recent weeks, masturbation destroys a huge percentage of mens’ lives. What’s more, it renders them incapable of interacting intimately with a woman. Some people reading this material may well even get the impression that pornography and masturbating ensnare a huge percentage of men, to the point where they can barely function as human beings.

Pornography and masturbating also contribute to the death of those cute TV toilet paper puppies, they cause cancer and may even be responsible for us getting that odd green cornflake in our cereal boxes! They are catastrophic phenomena tearing this world inside out.

Well that previous pargraph was actually invented by me… Though this masturbation paranoia is becoming absolutely ridiculous. Research consistently shows that over 90% of men (being conservative!), masturbate and lets be honest, a HUGE number watch porn. In my experience, most men are capable of intimacy with a woman, and manage to function each day as a regular human being. They certainly don’t throw sickies from work to watch three women being creative with cucumbers in a tropical location while listening to some dubbed noises and kitsche background music. No more than one time at any rate.

If I were to think rationally and therapeutically, I reckon those noises and 1980s music, punctuated with slow electric guitars and wah-wah pedals may well be causing more psychological problems than any accompanying masturbation…. It all smacks of paranoia to me.

Ok, so for some men their levels of masturbation may well be excessive… And I’d never suggest that pornography is without any negative effects…  Though over a year ago I wrote about my positive stance on masturbation here on this blog… But being an England football fan has many negative effects too!!

It seems that people are rendered incapable of debating this topic rationally (no, not mass debating) because they keep behaving like an outdated or Catholic Priest of old who speak of masturbation being somehow linked to the devil and the demolition of creation.

We all understand that people ideally should not stare at pornography all day every day while masturbating, right? That wpould have some negative effects and require some therapy… Much as any addicitve behaviour would require. The point I want to make today is that just because that may happen to a few men, it surely does not mean that masturbating is bad for all of us. Lots of people are alcoholics; though we don’t treat alcohol as a universal evil, do we? Quite the contrary I’d say.

There are groups of men in therapy and group therapy who firmly believe that masturbation and pornography are ruining ther lives. Do we therefore need to spend our time subsequently discouraging all people from pornography and masturbation as a result of these guys being unable to handle it…?? (Again excuse any pun)…

We have moved on from the Mary Whitehouse generation of tutting at sex, so lets not revert to demonising masturbation, please…!!