This week Warner Brothers pictures have released the latest Scooby Doo film entitled Scoob and is available to purchase on Sky Tv here in the UK, and rather poignantly as far as I am concerned, the film covers some of Scooby-Doo’s back story. 

This video is not just for you regular viewers, it is also an open invitation to Fred, Daphne, Velma, and Shaggy to perhaps get Scooby into therapy or at least; let’s get an intervention under way and get him on the road to well-being.

I’d like to work with Scooby Doo. He clearly has some issues and in this video I offer up my rationale for him needing help and what I’d recommend.


In the video, I share this also:

Make the Ordinary Come Alive
Do not ask your children
to strive for extraordinary lives.
Such striving may seem admirable,
but it is a way of foolishness.
Help them instead to find the wonder
and the marvel of an ordinary life.
Show them the joy of tasting
tomatoes, apples, and pears.
Show them how to cry
when pets and people die.
Show them the infinite pleasure
in the touch of a hand.
And make the ordinary come alive for them.
The extraordinary will take care of itself.

By William Martin, from The Parents Tao Te Ching: Ancient Advice for Modern Parents.

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