I have had an unpleasant couple of days that for many reasons have led me to be feeling a bit worn out, down in the dumps and sorry for myself…I think sometimnes when you are a trainer, a therapist and an author in this kind of a field, people think that you are impervious to elements of life that happen and that challenge us… I’m not and as a result I have felt a bit crappy for a couple of days… Poor me!
At least you know I am human after all….
Then, just as I needed it, a friend on facebook pointed this out to me…
And I am in the process of gee-ing myself up and tweaking my own attitude, as the power of attitude can really make a difference. Sometimes we need a reality check to nudge us along.
This guy is truly amazing 🙂
He is indeed Andy 🙂
What an amazing man! I showed the clip to a friend of mine, her 5 and 3 year old children wanted to see what we were watching and asked why we both had tears in our eyes – we then had quite a job explaining to them that grown ups sometimes cry when they are happy or very proud!
Interestingly, when they watched the clip, which they thought was very funny in places, they asked why he had no arms and legs and how he ate his food or got dressed. We explained that he found different ways to do these things, they completed accepted him as just different and not especially unusual. They went off to play and we overheard them talking about it and the older one said “He’s so lucky, his mummy won’t tell him off if he licks the plate, will she” Re-framing from 5 year olds!