Just recently, here on the blog and in my weekly ezine, I have told about some changes that are happening here in my business. My business partner of many years and I are moving in different directions. As he follows his hobbies, loves and starts to enjoy some semblance of semi-retirement, I get to focus on my hypnotherapy teaching, lecturing and research, but I also am going back to my roots, back to my original love and the main reason I ever became involved in this field – seeing individual clients for clinical hypnotherapy.
I’m upping my hours. I’m scheduling out more time in my week for individual hypnotherapy clients. I’m delighted that I’m able to do so.
It has always been my love and I am keen to be working as a hypnotherapist a little bit more than I have done in recent years. However, I am particularly focusing my efforts on working with people who are directly referred or recommended to me, that’s why I’m writing this. If you or anyone you know thinks you would benefit from hypnotherapy sessions with me, or mentoring your hypnotherapy business with me, or coaching in some area of life with me, via Skype or face to face, then get in touch. Just for the next few weeks while I fill my diary, I am offering a very healthy discount off my usual fees to any of you or those you refer.
Visit this page of this website – Hypnotherapy Sessions With Adam Eason – and get all the details about my usual fees, way of working with people and availability etc. Then anyone who gets in touch with me and states that they were referred by someone who knows me, knows of me, or who reads this blog, for example – I’ll offer them a surprisingly healthy discount.
What’s more, I have actually reduced my fees very slightly for a limited period of time anyway, so if you or anyone you know has ever considered having hypnotherapy with me, a leading hypnotherapist, this is a wonderful opportunity to do so.
Visit this page and get more details: Hypnotherapy Sessions With Adam Eason. You’ll get loads of great information.
Ok, that’s it. One of the shortest blog entries I’ve written for years. I’m really excited about this.