Today is April the 23rd. St Georges Day. St George is the Patron Saint of England.

I think it is a real shame that St George’s Day is not celebrated as much in England as other National Days are around the world; it is simply acknowledged.

Much to my delight, in recent years the popularity of St George’s Day appears to be increasing gradually. For the past couple of years, a few members of parliament have been putting the argument forward in the House of Commons to make St George’s Day a public holiday… That’d be nice wouldn’t it?

I am looking at a stark contrast that I perceive in this country today, let me explain…

I have seen a couple of old-timers walking by today wearing a red rose in their lapels, I love it… Modern fashion trends do not seem to lend themselves well to this though… Another custom is to fly or adorn the St George’s Cross flag in some way: pubs in particular can be seen festooned with garlands of St George’s crosses… I get a warm fuzzy feeling when I see this because it reminds me of street parties when I was very young… Parties for the Queens Silver Jubilee and Charles and Diana’s wedding… The sort of street parties that are not really common place these days… I just loved the street hat competition, eating cake and sandwiches until they came out of my ears and playing games into the night…

I really rather like the idea of people singing the hymn “Jerusalem” en masse in cathedrals, churches and chapels on St George’s Day, or on the Sunday closest to it…

In recent years people have opposed the celebration of St George’s Day on the grounds that it attracts racist thugs and encourages nationalism. However, early this year the Mayor of London Boris Johnson, spearheaded a campaign to encourage the celebration of St George’s Day… I hope to see some of that…

You know what else? St George slayed dragons… And fills me with a sense of actually enjoying being English… I need that this morning… Want to know why? 

When I think back to yesterday… The Government in England decided to host the biggest political budget I have ever witnessed… Those of us that earn over £150,000.00 a year, will now pay 50% of our earnings to the government in tax.


Basically, the people that are successful and fruitful get penalised. many believe this has always been the way of things… Yet the entreprenneurs needed to help develop the world in these seemingly difficult economic times get taxed more and more heavily.

I started my own business from nothing. I get paid purely from my own endeavours and initiative. I have been self-employed for most of my life now… Because of failings elsewhere, someone wants to take a huge bite out of my initiative and endeavour, a huge bite out of my entreprenneurealism, a huge bite out of my years of self-sufficiency…

No, I am not dampened by this. In true St George style, I have my lance in hand, and I am riding off to meet the dragon squarely… This is more opportunity for me to show that I can create, develop, succeed and excel against some adversity and as you read this, you know just as well as I that I’ll be one of those prevailing…  

Ok, it is off my chest… I’ll be speaking to my accountant from Irenas Xero Services… I’ll be working harder, playing harder, loving life more, rising up… And who knows, I may even get to blog about hypnosis some time this week… 😉