So as a brief interlude to my morning of marking homework for my hypnotherapy diploma students, I came across this piece of research that is going to inspire some thought and disucssion, I am sure…

Apparently, when men are hungry they’re more attracted to heavier women… You’ll note that I am not using the f-word… Fatter… I’ll be as diplomatic today as possible and not use that very non-pc f-word…

Now then, onto matters at hand… Some evolutionary psychologists argue that in an environment where food is scarce, men instinctively want to bank their sperm in a body that can provide for its offspring. They want to deposit their potential offspring in a place where sufficient resource exists… Hahaha… I am having so much fun thinking of other polite ways of writing this…

Soooo then, what about when other resources are scarce? Can financial insolvency prompt desire for a chunkier, or more rotund mate?

There is some evidence that suggests so. In this piece of research, the authors   have shown that in societies around the world, socioeconomic status negatively correlates with preferred mate weight, the research suggests: men in cultures with fat wallets want skinny women. Though of course, there are many factors to be considered here that make this a treacherous debate, aren’t there?

In this other piece of research, the Psychologists involved manipulated individual male participants’ financial satisfaction by asking them about personal savings in a way that made them feel either rich or poor, then asked them to name the ideal body weight of a potential partner. Feeling poor added a few pounds to that number… Interesting, eh?

So maybe financial insecurity causes chubby-chasing? Oh come on… It is tough to be pc in this discussion…

Food — it would seem — and the lack of it, is far more of an indicator of safety and influence for me… So what makes food special as a resource? Maybe it is that money is too abstract and too recent an invention (relatively speaking!) to tap into the same drives as physiological hunger. Or maybe hunger merely enhances aesthetic appreciation of any heavy object, whether a woman or a watermelon.

So there you have it… Perhaps the financially lean times are a great time for broody and fuller figured women… I am back to marking homework and shall be running my diploma all weekend… Have a good one đŸ™‚