So, I am about to shatter all illusions that you have formed about me… No, I am no pure, white, virginal, well-behaved little angel… I know you thought that… Just as Mum used to think…

No indeed not. I have been engaging in criminal activity. Prepare to gasp in horror some more…

I drove 34 mph on a road that has a 30 mph limit… I was caught on camera… And rather than getting 3 points and a fine… I took the marvellous opportunity to attend a drivers awareness course…

Basically, this is the reason for no major blog today. I have only just got home — having driven myself within the speed limits back here — and now have to catch up with my work…

Instead, I am taking this opportunity to announce my new audio phenomenon. It is only the second ever audio programme I have put together that is not for the general public. It is exclusively for hypnotherapists. I am extrememly proud of it and it has been a long time in creation. 

If you are a qualified hypnotherapist and you want to earn more money, have more fun, offer something fabulous to the world, then go and read about my self-hypnosis seminar license programme today here.

Also, if you want to watch some small clips of me running the seminar, they are available at my latest ezine edition which came out today…

That’s it, no more today… I am off to reflect on my new, improved driving skills.
